How to Upload Your Hand Histories

This guide will explain, in detail, how to upload your hand histories.
Select solution
GTO Wizard compares your hand histories to the closest format and stack depth available within our solutions in order to improve your play!
You can specify what solutions to use in the settings menu, under the Analyzer tab.
Upload a single hand
- Select the “Upload” button, located in the top-right corner of GTO Wizard
- Select the “Single Hand” tab
- Paste hand history (right click and click paste)
Where to find your history? - Click on Analyze button

Upload a file/folder
You can upload entire sessions or even databases of hand histories!
Select the Files Tab, then drag and drop your files into the Analyzer. Alternatively, select the “Folder” or “Files” button at the bottom of this dialogue box.

I uploaded my hands, now what?
Enter the “Uploads” page using the “ANALYZE” dropdown menu at the top of the page.

Your analyzed hands will show up here. Select any one of these rows to expand the summary. This page shows you information about your sessions, such as total accuracy and EV loss.
The checkmark icon under “Status” indicates they are done solving and ready to analyze!
What do these statuses mean?
Duplicate hands, unsupported hands, errors
- Total hands – The number of hands in your file.
- Duplicate hands – These hands exist twice in your file.
- Unsupported hands – Some hands aren’t supported, such as multiway, or different formats.
- Errors – Something failed. These hands were either unreadable or ran into a bug. Contact support on our Discord server.
Supported sites
We currently support hand histories from the following poker sites:
If your site isn’t on here, it may be possible to export readable hand histories using a tracker/HUD.
How does it work?
- Preflop through turn – Your play will be compared to our pre-solved solutions on preflop through turn streets. The Analyzer will automatically pick the closest stack depth and bet sizes.
- River – Rivers are calculated manually with the actual stack depth and bet sizes used in the hand, using ranges from the presolved solution. This can result in discrepancies between the analyzed results and the Solution browser strategy for river spots.
The Analyzer will ignore certain hands for which we don’t have solutions – such as multiway postflop spots. Some hands have partial solutions, such as hands where you take an action that’s never played in the GTO Strategy.
Once your hands are analyzed, you can quickly sort through a table of hand histories to find your biggest leaks! We recommend sorting by the highest EV loss to quickly identify blunders.
Where do I find my hand histories?
You can download hand histories from most poker sites and poker trackers. Check out THIS GUIDE to learn more.
GTO Wizard the #1 App for Poker players